Mijn naam is Esmee de Graaf-Marsé, diëtiste bij Diëtistenpraktijk Zwijndrecht. Ik ben in 2014 afgestudeerd in Voeding en Diëtetiek aan de Haagse Hogeschool. Tijdens deze 4-jarige HBO opleiding heb ik mij in veel voedingskundige gebieden verdiept, waaronder psychiatrie, psychogeriatrie, pijnbeleving,...
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Schellingwouderdijk 240,
1023 NL Amsterdam Noord
The dietitian specializes in the detailed analysis of nutrition and its effects on health, including the physiology of nutrition, digestion, absorption, and metabolism of nutrients. They are skilled in culinary preparation techniques and address nutrition-related disorders, providing tailored medical and dietary management. They identify and treat conditions such as diabetes, cholesterol issues, and food allergies, offering personalized dietary counseling.